Vertica 分析平台產品綜覽
Vertica 是什麼?
Vertica 是領先市場的分析資料庫,以最高效能提供最佳價值。 適用於各種資料分析類型、規模和地點。
Vertica 是能以最高效能提供最佳價值的分析資料庫,適用於各種資料分析類型、規模和地點。
以相同成本儲存多 10-30 倍的資料,資料壓縮率高達 90%。
選擇您的授權指標 – 每 TB、每節點或以小時計費。
在內部部署及多雲端上執行 Vertica,或任何具有單一可替代授權的組合,包括 OEM。
投資報酬率達 385% 且不到 6 個月即可回收投資。
Vertica 是目前市面上最優異的分析平台, 不僅速度快、可擴充,且獨立於底層基礎架構。
Shemer Mashiach,DataInfra 解決方案主管
執行 Vertica 即服務或自行管理平台。
Vertica 是專為最嚴苛的分析使用案例所打造。 此解決方案以更少的硬體執行更多分析,透過更有效率且更聰明的方式擴充,降低您的儲存與運算成本。
您是否正在尋找 Vertica 功能的全方位綜覽?
請參閱 Vertica 綜覽資料表,瞭解更多詳細資料。
Nice data warehouse solution
25 5 月, 2023
It is a pretty stable Datawarehouse solution and really manageable in some aspects as many other similar solutions it allows for scale of thousands and thousands of records
Speed up with this
6 2 月, 2023
Can perform any type of analytics, in our use-case we use Time Series, Pattern Matching by ingesting data gathering from different data sources available performing parallel processing within a short span of time as it is quick. Either get the work done on-premise or on cloud or a mixture of both would do too. Being in the BigData industry, it supports even Parquet and ORC data formats too which is a small but a useful advantage too.
Excellent tool for big data analysis
18 11 月, 2022
I like the Geospatial analysis and time series analysis more relevant to my work and they helped me get the right analysis.
Vertica – one stop shop for a variety of analytical functions!
15 11 月, 2022
More than a typical data warehousing solution, Vertica offers solutions for most complex analytical workloads and predictive analytics capabilities and works with most cloud service providers, including AWS, GCP and Azure.
A good, versatile analytics data warehouse in the current market
15 11 月, 2022
It is faster, cheaper, and reliable. It also supports heavy ETL and BI queries to subsecond Api processes. It can also integrate with other products to encrypt sensitive data.
Vertica 是專為現今資料導向世界的規模及複雜性所打造。
Vertica 的 Total Economic Impact™ (總體經濟影響™)
正在考慮使用 SaaS 形式的資料分析功能嗎?
閱讀瞭解為何 McKnight 顧問公司在這份雲端資料庫效能研究中將 Vertica 列為冠軍。