AIOps stands for Artificial Intelligence (AI) for IT Operations.
It is advanced analytics including machine learning (ML) and other forms of AI to monitor and manage the performance and reliability of applications and hardware systems, detect anomalous problems, adapt to changes in requirements, handle failures, and to adjust proactively or rapidly with minimal disruption of services.
AIOps tools collect data from multiple IT sources including metrics, logs, traces, events, and telemetry, process the data, use machine learning to find useful information, and deliver the findings to IT operations. The output includes IT anomalies, patterns, correlations, and predictions.
The objective is to enable better decision making, issue avoidance, and outage prevention by:
How Big Is AIOps? How Fast Is It Growing?
AIOps is a large market with $4.2 billion in software and SaaS revenue in 2021.
AIOps is growing at an annual rate of 9.3% and is forecast to reach $6.6 billion in 2026.
Growth is highest in
SaaS-based AIOps at 17.5%.
Source: IDC WW IT Operations Analytics Software Forecast, 2022-2026, March 2022
AIOps Drivers
As organizations modernize, transform digitally, and adopt automated operations, they need:
Organizations must increase their speed to meet rising consumer and business demands for fast restoration of services when problems are discovered. Customers demand great experience and highly reliable services.
The explosion in scale, the amount of data and resources to be managed (metrics, logs, traces, events, telemetry, others) go beyond reasonable manual efforts. Automation is required to collect, analyze, and react to the vast data volume and varieties involved, as well as the many simultaneous workloads required.
Business services are becoming more distributed and interconnected across networks. Increasingly, this is a multi-infrastructure world (private cloud, hybrid, public cloud, on prem, multicloud, SaaS, etc. ). Modern software and services are often also containerized; cloud-native architectures and complex networks deliver services to consumers and businesses. AIOps platforms have to be able to flex to function in all the places optimization is needed.
IT teams have to manage vast increases in data, applications, and infrastructure as a result of the advent of 5G in telecom and increasing demand for smart sensors, networks, etc.
Business innovators depend on their organization’s ability to scale, adapt, transform, and deliver IT services on demand across physical, virtual, cloud, and multicloud infrastructures.
AIOps is vital to effectively operate these complex environments. Automation corrects many minor issues, and increases productivity of IT staff by providing clues, root causes, and analyzed patterns to reduce mean time to detect issues (MTTD) and mean time to repair them (MTTR).
What Benefits Are Expected from AIOps?
AIOps in Action: Use Cases
Automated IT Optimization Is Essential
Modern Networks Require Finding and Solving Issues at Machine Speed
With cell usage data increasing and IoT and edge data flooding everything, especially 5G networks, an analytics capability that can linearly scale is essential. Total IoT spending in 2021 totaled just over $690 billion.
Finding root causes of incidents and predicting incidents before they occur is needle in a haystack work that requires every single data point, not aggregates. You can’t find the needle if it’s been mushed into a clump of hay.
84.4 ZB of data was generated in 2021, with 55.8 ZB of that from IoT.
Time series analytics, geospatial analytics, machine learning, event pattern matching, even good old-fashioned business intelligence – every kind of analytics available is frequently what is needed to find, predict, prevent, or solve issues.
Engineers who can troubleshoot network problems are smart, skilled, and expensive. Make every minute of their time count by automating and pointing them at relevant information. Don’t make them search through giant piles of logs.
Vertica is the analytical database with the best value for the highest performance on any data analytics, at any scale, anywhere.
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“AIOps has become a must-have technology to deliver great customer experiences…”
The speed and scale of AIOps technology helps you predict issues, and optimize your network intelligently, to meet the demands of AIOps analytics.