Understanding Rebalancing, Part 2: Optimizing for Rebalancing

For Vertica 7.1.2

About Rebalancing

After you add or remove one or more nodes in an Vertica cluster, the data on the existing and new nodes must be adjusted. For optimal performance, the data should be balanced across all nodes. Vertica calls this process rebalancing.

After you rebalance your cluster, the data storage and workload is balanced across all nodes in the cluster. Rebalancing is complex: CPU-, disk-, and network-intensive. Because rebalancing requires a large amount of data movement, the process can take a long time.

This document is Part 2 in a two-part series about rebalancing. Part 2 describes the steps to take before, during, and after rebalancing to:

  • Prepare for rebalancing
  • Monitor the rebalance operation
  • Review the results of rebalancing

Understanding Rebalancing, Part 1: What Happens During Rebalancing explains what happens during rebalancing.

Start the Rebalance Process

The rebalancing process needs to share machine resources with on-going queries and needs exclusive access to resources/locks for small periods of time. To avoid possible concurrency issues, schedule the rebalancing during a light load period.

Some examples of concurrency issues that can occur during load are:

  • If rebalancing owns a lock that a COPY operation needs, the COPY operation times out.
  • If COPY owns a lock, rebalancing pauses until the COPY completes.

You can start the rebalancing using any of the three ways described in the Vertica documentation:

Monitor Rebalancing

Monitor the rebalancing process to make sure it is proceeding without problems. The following sections describe techniques for monitoring the rebalancing process.

Monitor Tables Being Rebalanced

To monitor which tables Vertica is rebalancing at any time, run:

=> SELECT * FROM rebalance_table_status;

If any DML or DDL operations interfere with the rebalancing of certain tables, you see this error message:

ERROR 3007: DDL statement interfered with this statement

Monitor Vertica System Tables

Review the following system tables during rebalancing:

  • REBALANCE_TABLE_STATUS—For each database table, contains:
    • Amount of data that has been separated
    • Amount of data that still needs to be separated
  • REBALANCE_PROJECTION_STATUS—For each projection, contains:
    • Amount of data that has been separated
    • Amount of data that still needs to be separated

Queries for Monitoring Cluster Rebalance

This section provides sample queries that help you monitor the rebalance operations on your cluster.

Monitor Active Rebalance Operations

The following query provides information about the currently running rebalance operations:

  • Node that the rebalance is running on
  • Session ID for the rebalance operation
  • Time the rebalance started. This can give you an idea about how long the rebalance is taking.
  • Currently executing rebalance task
=> SELECT node_name, session_id, session_start_timestamp, description
 FROM system_sessions
 AND is_active;
 node_name |    session_id    |   session_start_timestamp     |     description 
   node001 | user-9956:0x2fb6 | 2016-02-11 21:36:16.045711-05 | Txn: a000000000b167 'RebalanceUnsegmentedTask'
   node001 | user-9956:0x2fb6 | 2016-02-11 21:36:16.045711-05 | Txn: a000000000b168 'CREATE PROJECTION public.dim7_node006 /*+basename(dim7),createtype(P)*/ ( a, b ) AS SELECT dim7.a, dim7.b FROM public.dim7 ORDER BY dim7.a, dim7.b UNSEGMENTED NODE node006; '
   node001 | user-9956:0x2fc0 |  2016-02-11 21:36:16.13772-05 | Txn: a000000000b16b 'Refresh: Evaluating which projection to refresh'
   node001 | user-9956:0x2fc0 |  2016-02-11 21:36:16.13772-05 | Txn: a000000000b16c 'Refresh: (Table: public.dim7) (Projection: public.dim7_node006)'
   node001 | user-9956:0x2fc0 |  2016-02-11 21:36:16.13772-05 | Txn: a000000000b16f 'Refresh: through recovery (Table: public.dim7) (Projection: public.dim7_node006)'
   node001 | user-9956:0x2fe1 | 2016-02-11 21:36:16.391713-05 | Txn: a000000000b17a 'RebalanceUnsegmentedTask'
   node001 | user-9956:0x2fe1 | 2016-02-11 21:36:16.391713-05 | Txn: a000000000b17b 'CREATE PROJECTION public.dim7_node007 /*+basename(dim7),createtype(P)*/(a,b) AS SELECT dim7.a, dim7.b FROM public.dim7 ORDER BY dim7.a, dim7.b UNSEGMENTED NODE node007; '
   node001 | user-9956:0x2fe1 | 2016-02-11 21:36:16.391713-05 | Txn: a000000000b17d 'CREATE PROJECTION public.dim7_node007 /*+basename(dim7),createtype(P)*/(a,b) AS SELECT dim7.a, dim7.b FROM public.dim7 ORDER BY dim7.a, dim7.b UNSEGMENTED NODE node007; '
   node001 | user-9956:0x2fe3 |  2016-02-11 21:36:16.41582-05 | Txn: a000000000b17e 'RebalanceUnsegmentedTask'
   node001 | user-9956:0x2fc0 |  2016-02-11 21:36:16.13772-05 | Txn: a000000000b17f 'Refresh: through recovery (Table: public.dim7) (Projection: public.dim7_node006)'
   node001 | user-9956:0x2fe3 |  2016-02-11 21:36:16.41582-05 | Txn: a000000000b180 'CREATE PROJECTION public.dim7_node008 /*+basename(dim7),createtype(P)*/(a,b) AS SELECT dim7.a,dim7.b FROM public.dim7 ORDER BY dim7.a, dim7.b UNSEGMENTED NODE node008; '
   node001 | user-9956:0x2fed | 2016-02-11 21:36:16.483142-05 | Txn: a000000000b182 'Refresh: Evaluating which projection to refresh'
   node001 | user-9956:0x2fed | 2016-02-11 21:36:16.483142-05 | Txn: a000000000b183 'Refresh: (Table: public.dim7) (Projection: public.dim7_node007)'
   node001 | user-9956:0x2fc0 |  2016-02-11 21:36:16.13772-05 | Txn: a000000000b184 'Refresh: through recovery (Table: public.dim7) (Projection: public.dim7_node006)'
   node001 | user-9956:0x2ff6 | 2016-02-11 21:36:16.548277-05 | Txn: a000000000b186 'Refresh: Evaluating which projection to refresh'
   node001 | user-9956:0x2fc0 |  2016-02-11 21:36:16.13772-05 | Txn: a000000000b18a 'getRowCountsForProj'
   node001 | user-9956:0x2fc0 |  2016-02-11 21:36:16.13772-05 | Txn: a000000000b18b 'analyze_row_count'
   node001 | user-9956:0x2fc0 |  2016-02-11 21:36:16.13772-05 | Txn: a000000000b18c 'Refresh: gather PJP statistics (Table: public.dim7) (Projection: public.dim7_node006)'
   node001 | user-9956:0x416c | 2016-02-11 21:37:34.654137-05 | Txn: a000000000bb02 'RebalanceElasticTask'

Monitor the Overall Progress of the Rebalance Operation

The following query monitors the progress of each currently executing rebalance operation and returns:

  • Method used to rebalance the current projection. Possible values are:
  • Status of that method
  • Number of projections
=> SELECT rebalance_method Rebalance_method, Status, COUNT(*) AS Count
 FROM ( SELECT rebalance_method,
        WHEN (
        separated_percent = 100
    AND transferred_percent = 100
        ) THEN 'Completed'
        WHEN (
               separated_percent <> 0
               and separated_percent <> 100
           OR (
              transferred_percent <> 0
              AND transferred_percent <> 100
              ) THEN 'In Progress'
              ELSE 'Queued'
              END AS  Status
        FROM rebalance_projection_status
        WHERE is_latest
      ) AS tab
 GROUP BY 1, 2
 ORDER BY 1, 2;
 Rebalance_method | Status      | Count
 ELASTIC_CLUSTER  | Completed   | 8
 ELASTIC_CLUSTER  | In Progress | 2
 ELASTIC_CLUSTER  | Queued      | 2
 REPLICATE        | Completed   | 50
(4 rows)

Monitor the Rebalance Activity of Unsegmented Projections

The following query returns information about the unsegmented projections that are being currently refreshed:

  • Session ID of the currently executing rebalance operation
  • Name of the unsegmented projection being refreshed
  • Current status of the refresh operation
  • Method being used to refresh the projection:  
  • How far the refresh has progressed. Possible phases are:
    • Current
    • Historical
=> SELECT session_id, projection_name, refresh_status, refresh_method, refresh_phase
 FROM projection_refreshes
 WHERE refresh_method = 'rebalance'
 AND is_executing; 
 session_id       | projection_name | refresh_status | refresh_method | refresh_phase
 user-9956:0x8cf0 | dim2_node004    | refreshing     | rebalance      | current
 user-9956:0x8d24 | dim2_node005    | refreshing     | rebalance      | historical
 user-9956:0x8d25 | dim2_node006    | refreshing     | rebalance      | historical
(3 rows)

Monitor the Rebalance Activity of Segmented Projections

The following query returns information about the segmented projections that are being currently refreshed:

  • Projection name
  • Method being used to refresh the projection
  • Percentage of ROS containers separated
  • Percentage of ROS containers transferred to their destination node
=> SELECT projection_name, rebalance_method, separated_percent, transferred_percent
 FROM rebalance_projection_status
 WHERE rebalance_method = 'ELASTIC_CLUSTER'
 AND (
 separated_percent <> 0
 AND separated_percent <> 100
 OR (
 transferred_percent <> 0
 AND transferred_percent <> 100
 AND is_latest;
 projection_name | rebalance_method | separated_percent | transferred_percent
        fact5_b1 |  ELASTIC_CLUSTER |            100.00 | 13.23
        fact4_b1 |  ELASTIC_CLUSTER |             78.77 | 0.00
        fact5_b0 |  ELASTIC_CLUSTER |            100.00 | 13.63
(3 rows)

Monitor Active Tuple Mover Operations for Separation Phase of Segmented Projections

The following query returns information about how many processes are separating ROS containers on each node:

  • Projection name
  • Node name
  • Tuple Mover started separating ROS containers for the specified projections
=> SELECT TM.projection_name, TM.node_name, TM.operation_start_timestamp
 FROM tuple_mover_operations TM
 JOIN system_sessions
 USING (session_id)
 WHERE system_sessions.is_active
 AND session_type = 'REBALANCE_CLUSTER'
 AND operation_status = 'Running';
 projection_name | node_name | operation_start_timestamp 
        fact1_b0 |   node008 | 2016-02-11 22:00:45.589359-05
        fact1_b1 |   node008 | 2016-02-11 22:00:45.589632-05
        fact1_b0 |   node008 | 2016-02-11 22:00:45.605845-05
        fact3_b0 |   node007 | 2016-02-11 21:57:36.339779-05
        fact3_b0 |   node008 | 2016-02-11 21:57:36.339917-05
        fact3_b1 |   node008 | 2016-02-11 21:57:36.340097-05
        fact1_b0 |   node004 | 2016-02-11 22:00:45.588915-05
        fact1_b1 |   node004 | 2016-02-11 22:00:45.58907-05
        fact3_b0 |   node005 | 2016-02-11 21:57:36.340339-05
 (10 rows)

Monitor ROS Containers

The following query returns information about ROS containers created and deleted during the rebalance.

  • Action taken for that projection's ROS container. Possible values are:
    • Created
    • Deleted
  • Name of the projection
  • Number of rows stored in the ROS container
  • Number of ROS containers
     WHEN (is_destroyed ) THEN 'deleted'
     ELSE 'created'
     END AS container, projection_name, SUM(row_count) AS rows_processed, COUNT(*) n_containers
  FROM vs_rebalance_separated_storage_containers
  GROUP BY  1, 2
  ORDER BY 1, 2;
 container | projection_name | rows_processed | n_containers
-----------+------ ----------+----------------+--------------
   created |        fact3_b0 |         465975 | 10
   created |        fact3_b1 |         465975 | 10
   deleted |        fact1_b0 |         196273 | 730
   deleted |        fact1_b1 |         195780 | 740
   deleted |        fact2_b0 |         990830 | 71
   deleted |        fact2_b1 |         988365 | 72
   deleted |        fact5_b1 |        6140310 | 72
(20000000 rows)

The following query returns details about the ROS containers transferred among segmented and unsegmented projections:

  • Projection name
  • Source node name
  • Target node name
  • Number of rows transferred
  • Number of bytes transferred
=> SELECT projection_name, 
          SUM (row_count) rows_transfered, sum(size_in_bytes) bytes_transferred
 FROM vs_rebalance_transferred_storage_containers
 GROUP BY 1, 2, 3
 ORDER BY 1, 2, 3;
projection_name | from_node_name | to_node_name | rows_transfered | bytes_transferred
   dim6_node007 |                |      node007 |         3900000 | 1972485567
   dim6_node008 |                |      node008 |         4000000 | 2023062120
   dim7_node001 |                |      node001 |          200000 | 101153106
   dim7_node002 |                |      node002 |          200000 | 101153106
       fact1_b1 |        node003 |      node002 |          104457 | 265520203
       fact1_b1 |        node003 |      node004 |           20671 | 52543973
       fact1_b1 |        node003 |      node005 |           31230 | 79391579

Monitor Time Taken to Rebalance Completed Projections

The following query gives you information about the time it took to rebalance each projection:

  • Node that the rebalance ran on
  • Schema name
  • Projection name
  • Start time of the rebalance operation
  • Time in seconds it took to rebalance that projection
=> SELECT dc_rebalanced_projections.node_name, 
          time -start_time duration
 FROM dc_rebalanced_projections
 node_name | projection_schema | projection_name | start_time                    | duration 
   node001 |            public |        fact3_b1 | 2016-02-11 21:57:36.335312-05 | 00:03:42.695234
   node001 |            public |        fact3_b0 | 2016-02-11 21:57:36.335312-05 | 00:03:42.69519
   node001 |            public |        fact1_b1 | 2016-02-11 21:26:05.744551-05 | 00:03:38.692043
   node001 |            public |        fact1_b0 | 2016-02-11 21:26:05.744551-05 | 00:03:38.691965
   node001 |            public |        fact1_b1 | 2016-02-11 22:02:13.277392-05 | 00:03:35.077985
   node001 |            public |        fact1_b0 | 2016-02-11 22:02:13.277392-05 | 00:03:35.077949

Rebalance and Lock Contention

If you rebalance your cluster while ETL jobs are running, there could be contention for
locks. This contention can cause the job or the rebalance operation to fail.

This topic describes contention issues that might occur if you run a rebalance operation
while Vertica is processing an ETL job. It also describes how to prevent them.

Note Only one cluster-wide rebalance operation can run at a time.

Minimizing Contention

Database operations that might cause lock contention with the Tuple Mover during
rebalance are:


The following sections describe three ways to diagnose, schedule, and manage the
rebalance operation to minimize contention:

  • Increase Timeout Value
  • Give Preference to Rebalance and Tuple Mover Operations
  • Manually Rebalance Tables

Increase Timeout Value

If you think your rebalance might contend with ETL jobs, you can increase the
LockTimeout value. The LockTimeout configuration parameter specifies the amount of
time that an ETL job waits for a lock to be released. If the wait time exceeds the
LockTimeout value, the ETL job returns an error. The default value is 300 seconds (5

Increasing the LockTimeout value improves the chances that your job does not time out
while trying to acquire a lock that rebalance is using. 

The following query tells you what times of day that ETL jobs held locks for more than five minutes:

=> SELECT DATE_TRUNC ('hour', grant_time), node_name,
COUNT(*) number_of_tx, MAX(time - grant_time) max_time_lock_held
FROM dc_lock_releases
WHERE time - grant_time>'5 min'
AND mode IN ('X', 'S', 'O')
AND object_name NOT LIKE 'ElasticCluster'
ORDER BY 4 desc;
date_trunc             | node_name | number_of_tx | max_time_lock_held
2016-03-02 11:00:00-05 | node001   | 2            | 00:43:47.823902
2016-03-02 11:00:00-05 | node002   | 2            | 00:43:47.691664
2016-03-02 11:00:00-05 | node003   | 2            | 00:43:47.691906
2016-03-02 11:00:00-05 | node004   | 1            | 00:30:03.825279
2016-03-02 12:00:00-05 | node001   | 1            | 00:15:29.677898
2016-03-02 12:00:00-05 | node002   | 1            | 00:15:29.677404
2016-03-02 12:00:00-05 | node003   | 1            | 00:15:29.677366
2016-03-02 12:00:00-05 | node004   | 1            | 00:15:29.677111
(8 rows)

The following query returns which specific transactions held locks for more than five

=> \x
Expanded display is on.
=> SELECT DISTINCT query_requests.transaction_id, statement_id, request
FROM dc_lock_releases JOIN query_requests USING (session_id)
WHERE time - grant_time > '5 min'
AND mode IN ('X','S')
AND object_name NOT LIKE 'ElasticCluster'
ORDER BY statement_id;
-[ RECORD 1 ]--+-----------------------------------------
transaction_id | 45035996273756069
statement_id   | 1
request        | UPDATE /*+label(UPDATE_u1), DIRECT*/ u1 SET c200 = c200 - 1 where C200 < 100;
-[ RECORD 2 ]--+-----------------------------------------
transaction_id | 45035996273756069
statement_id   | 2
request        | commit;
(2 rows)

To avoid contending with these transactions, you can do one of the following:

  • Reschedule the rebalance at a time that does not conflict with ETL jobs.
  • Increase the LockTimeout parameter so that the ETL job does not time out while you
    are rebalancing your cluster:
(1 row)
Parameter set successfully
(1 row)

After rebalance completes, remember to reset the LockTimeout parameter to its
previous value. 

Give Preference to Rebalance and Tuple Mover Operations

Suppose that a DML job tries to access a table that a rebalance has a lock on. By
default, the DML job takes that lock and cancels rebalance. The rebalance continues
trying to access the table after five minutes and complete the rebalance.

If you want your rebalance to run uninterrupted, give preference to the rebalance
process by setting the DMLCancelTM configuration parameter to false. With this setting,
DML jobs cannot take a lock that an in-progress rebalance holds.

To set DMLCancelTM and start the rebalance, do the following:


If your DML jobs are critical, do not change the value of DMLCancelTM to false for a
rebalance. Keeping DMLCancelTM set to true allows DML jobs to run.

Consider running the rebalance at a time when it does not conflict with critical DML jobs.
When the rebalance completes, always set DMLCancelTM back to true.


Manually Rebalance Tables

If you have a lot of tables and need several nights or weekends to rebalance your cluster, you can manually rebalance a fixed number of tables each night or weekend.

You can manually rebalance one or more tables at a time. To avoid contention during manual rebalance, make sure that no ETL job is running.

To rebalance a table, call the REBALANCE_TABLE function:


To find out which tables have been rebalanced, are in the processing of being rebalanced, or have not been rebalanced, run this query:

=> SELECT table_name,
   WHEN separated_percent + transferred_percent = 200 THEN 'REBALANCED'
   WHEN (separated_percent + transferred_percent) < 200
   AND (separated_percent + transferred_percent) > 0
   END status
   FROM rebalance_table_status WHERE is_latest;
 table_name | case
         t0 | REBALANCED
         t1 | NOT REBALANCED YET
         t2 | REBALANCING
(3 rows)

Contention Errors During Rebalance

There are several contention errors that can occur during rebalance, including the
following, which are discussed in the following sections:

  • DDL statement interfered with this statement. Unavailable: lock
    table for query - Locking failure
  • Staging table and target table do not match: Projections
    definition mismatch
  • Unavailable: [Txn 0xa0000000010113] S lock table - timeout error
    Timed out

Changing the Schema

The following actions can occur by another job during rebalance:

  • Add or delete columns
  • Add or delete projections
  • Swap or move partitions

When rebalancing, you may see a locking error. This error occurs when another job tries
to lock a table that is already locked by the rebalance operation:

ERROR 3007: DDL statement interfered with this statement
ERROR 5157: Unavailable: lock table for query - Locking failure: Timed out X locking
Table:public.t0. T held by [user condor (RebalanceElasticTask)]. Your current transaction isolation

Swapping Partitions

If you try to swap partitions between two tables, one that has been rebalanced and
another that has not been rebalanced, you see the following error:

ERROR 7121: Staging table and target table do not match: Projections definition mismatch

You can only swap partitions between two tables that have both been rebalanced or
neither of which has been rebalanced.

Get Information About Contention Errors

If rebalance fails due to an error or because of lock contention, to get information about
the error, run the following query:

=> SELECT time, session_id, error_level, node_name, log_message
   FROM dc_errors WHERE session_id IN
      (SELECT DISTINCT session_id
       FROM dc_session_starts
       WHERE session_type = 'REBALANCE_CLUSTER'
   ORDER BY time DESC;
-[RECORD 1]-------------------------------
time        | 2016-03-05 10:47:08.517557-05
session_id  | eng-g9-046.verticac-2421955:0xad43
error_level | 20
node_name   | node001
log_message | Unavailable: [Txn 0xa0000000010113] S lock table - timeout error Timed out S locking
Table:public.t1. I held

Rebalance Restart After Error

If rebalance fails due to an error or is canceled by a DML operation, Vertica tries to rerun
the rebalance after 300 seconds (5 minutes). This means that Vertica waits 5 minutes
before trying to restart the rebalance.

Service: 'RebalanceCluster' is enabled , interval 300 second(s)

After Rebalancing

After rebalancing completes, check the following:

  • Did the rebalancing complete successfully?
  • Is the K-safety correct?
  • What is the baseline performance?

Success or Failure

If a failure occurs while rebalancing the database, you can rebalance again. If the cause of the failure has been resolved, the rebalance operation continues from where it failed. However, a failed data rebalance can result in out-of-date projections that Vertica cannot remove automatically.

To locate any such projections, query the V_CATALOG.PROJECTIONS system table as follows:

=> SELECT projection_name, anchor_table_name, is_prejoin, is_up_to_date
   FROM projections WHERE is_up_to_date = FALSE;

To remove out-of-date projections, use the DROP PROJECTION SQL command.

Monitor System Performance with Vertica Validation Utilities

Vertica provides two tools to monitor system performance. However, they can significantly impact system performance, so do not run them during rebalancing:

  • vioperf: Measures the speed and consistency of your hard drives.
  • vnetperf: Measures the latency and throughput of your network between nodes.

Use these tools after you add a node to create a performance baseline for the newly expanded cluster.

For More Information

For information about rebalancing in the Vertica product documentation, see Rebalancing Data Across Nodes.