Shows the Data Collector components, their current retention policies, and statistics about how much data is retained and how much has been discarded. DATA_COLLECTOR also calculates approximate collection rate, to aid in sizing calculations.

Data Collector is on by default. To turn it off, set configuration parameter EnableDataCollector to 0. You can also configure monitoring information retention policies. For details, see Data Collector Functions and Configuring Data Retention Policies.

Column Name Data Type Description

Node name on which information is retained.


Name of the component and its policy.


The data collector table name for which information is listed.


Short description about the component.

ACCESS_RESTRICTED BOOLEAN Indicates whether access to the table is restricted to the DBADMIN, PSEUDOSUPERUSER, or SYSMONITOR roles.

Size of the memory buffer in kilobytes.


On-disk size of the table in kilobytes.

INTERVAL_SET BOOLEAN Boolean, specifies whether time-based retention is set.
INTERVAL_TIME INTERVAL Time of retention expressed as an INTERVAL type. To turn time-based retention off, set to 0.

Integer that increments by one each time an error is thrown because data did not fit in memory (based on the data collector retention policy).


Number of buffers lost.


Number of records lost.


Number of retired files.


Number of retired records.


The current number of rows in memory.


The current number of rows stored on disk.


Total current memory used in kilobytes.


Total current disk space used in kilobytes.


Timestamp of the first record.


Timestamp of the last record


Total kilobytes used per day.


The following example shows how to return all component names and their descriptions. This is a useful query if you want to change the retention policy for a particular component and don't remember its name:

=> SELECT DISTINCT component, description FROM data_collector ORDER BY 1 ASC;
              component               |                                                    description
 AllocationPoolStatistics             | Information about global memory pools, which generally cannot be recovered without restart
 AllocationPoolStatisticsByDay        | Information about global memory pools, which generally cannot be recovered without restart (historical, by day)
 AllocationPoolStatisticsByHour       | Information about global memory pools, which generally cannot be recovered without restart (historical, by hour)
 AllocationPoolStatisticsByMinute     | Information about global memory pools, which generally cannot be recovered without restart (historical, by minute)
 AllocationPoolStatisticsBySecond     | Information about global memory pools, which generally cannot be recovered without restart (historical, by second)
 AnalyzeStatistics                    | History of statistics collection
 Backups                              | Monitoring successful backups and copy cluster operations
 BlobChunkEvents                      | Log of important events by blob chunks
 BlobEvents                           | Log of important events by blobs
 BlockMemoryManagerEvents             | Events for Block Memory Manager
 BlockMemoryManagerStatistics         | Statistics and history of block memory manager
 BlockMemoryManagerStatisticsByDay    | Statistics and history of block memory manager (historical, by day)
 BlockMemoryManagerStatisticsByHour   | Statistics and history of block memory manager (historical, by hour)
 BlockMemoryManagerStatisticsByMinute | Statistics and history of block memory manager (historical, by minute)
 BlockMemoryManagerStatisticsBySecond | Statistics and history of block memory manager (historical, by second)
 CancelEvents                         | Cancel events handled by execution engine operators
 Cancels                              | Canceled queries
 CatalogInfo                          | Catalog statistics and history
 CatalogInfoByDay                     | Catalog statistics and history (historical, by day)
 CatalogInfoByHour                    | Catalog statistics and history (historical, by hour)
 CatalogInfoByMinute                  | Catalog statistics and history (historical, by minute)
 CatalogInfoBySecond                  | Catalog statistics and history (historical, by second)
 CatalogOperations                    | History of all catalog read operations
 CatalogPersistenceEvents             | History of catalog disk interactions
 CatalogRefcounts                     | Catalog refcount changes in the storagereferencecounter.
 CatalogSubscriptionChanges           | History of shard state changes
 CatalogSyncHistory                   | History of sync times of catalog versions
 CatalogTruncations                   | History of all catalog truncations
 ClientServerMessages                 | Client-Server Messages (Front End to Back End Protocol) sent
 CommunalCleanupRecords               | Obsolete data files detected on communal storage
 ConfigurationChanges                 | Changes to configuration parameters (vertica.conf)
 CopyPartitions                       | History of all partition copied
 CopyTables                           | History of all tables copied by copy_table meta-function
 CpuAffinityChanges                   | CPU Affinity Change Events
 CpuAggregate                         | Aggregate CPU information
 CpuAggregateByDay                    | Aggregate CPU information (historical, by day)
 CpuAggregateByHour                   | Aggregate CPU information (historical, by hour)
 CpuAggregateByMinute                 | Aggregate CPU information (historical, by minute)
 CpuAggregateBySecond                 | Aggregate CPU information (historical, by second)
 DataChannels                         | History of data communication between nodes
 DatabaseMigrationStatus              | The status of historical database migration jobs
 DeploymentProjections                | Output projections history per design deployment
 DeploymentStatus                     | History of all design deployment progress/status
 Deployments                          | History of all design deployments
 DepotEvictions                       | Files evicted from the Depot
 DepotFetches                         | Files fetched to the Depot
 DepotUploads                         | Files Uploaded from the Depot
 DesignProjectionCandidates           | Output design projection candidates history per design
 DesignProjectionColumnsEncoding      | Output design projection columns encoding history
 DesignProjectionStatements           | Output design projection statement history
 DesignProjections                    | Output design projections history per design
 DesignQueries                        | Design queries history per design
 DesignQueryIdealPlanFeatures         | Design queries ideal features history
 DesignQueryPlanCosts                 | Design ideal and actual plan costs per query history
 DesignQueryProjectionCandidates      | Design queries and ideal features history for all candidates
 DesignQueryProjections               | Design queries and actual features history

(219 rows)

See Also

Retaining Monitoring Information