Creates a flexible (flex) table in the logical schema.
When you create a flex table, Vertica automatically creates two dependent objects:
- Keys table that is named
- View that is named
The flex table requires the keys table and view. Neither of these objects can exist independently of the flex table.
Create with column definitions
CREATE [[ scope ] TEMP[ORARY]] FLEX[IBLE] TABLE [ IF NOT EXISTS ] [[database.]schema.]table-name ( [ column‑definition[,…] [, table-constraint ][,…] ] ) [ ORDER BY column[,…] ] [ segmentation‑spec ] [ KSAFE [k‑num] ] [ partition-clause] [ {INCLUDE | EXCLUDE} [SCHEMA] PRIVILEGES ]
Create from another table
CREATE FLEX[IBLE] TABLE [[database.]schema.] table-name [ ( column-name-list ) ] [ {INCLUDE | EXCLUDE} [SCHEMA] PRIVILEGES ] AS query [ ENCODED BY column-ref-list ]
For general parameter descriptions, see CREATE TABLE; for parameters specific to temporary flex tables, see CREATE TEMPORARY TABLE and Creating Flex Tables.
You cannot partition a flex table on any virtual column (key).
Non-superuser: CREATE privilege on table schema
Default Columns
The CREATE statement can omit specifying any column definitions. CREATE FLEXIBLE TABLE always creates two columns automatically:
__raw__ | LONG VARBINARY type column to store unstructured data that you load. By default, this column has a NOT NULL constraint. |
__identity__ | IDENTITY column that is used for segmentation and sorting when no other column is defined. |
Default Projections
Vertica automatically creates superprojections for both the flex table and keys tables when you create them.
If you create a flex table with one or more of the ORDER BY, ENCODED BY, SEGMENTED BY, or KSAFE clauses, the clause information is used to create projections. If no clauses are in use, Vertica uses the following defaults:
Table | Sort order | Encoding | Segmentation | K‑safety |
Flexible table | ORDER BY *.__identity__ | none | SEGMENTED BY hash *.__identity__ ALL NODES OFFSET 0 | 1 |
Keys table | ORDER BY *._keys_frequency | none | UNSEGMENTED ALL NODES | 1 |
When you build a view for a flex table (see BUILD_FLEXTABLE_VIEW), the view is ordered by frequency, desc, and key_name.
The following example creates a flex table named darkdata
without specifying any column information. Vertica creates a default superprojection and buddy projection as part of creating the table:
=> CREATE FLEXIBLE TABLE darkdata(); CREATE TABLE => \dj darkdata1* List of projections Schema | Name | Owner | Node | Comment --------+----------------------+---------+------------------+--------- public | darkdata1_b0 | dbadmin | | public | darkdata1_b1 | dbadmin | | public | darkdata1_keys_super | dbadmin | v_vmart_node0001 | public | darkdata1_keys_super | dbadmin | v_vmart_node0002 | public | darkdata1_keys_super | dbadmin | v_vmart_node0003 | (5 rows) => SELECT export_objects('','darkdata1_b0'); CREATE PROJECTION public.darkdata1_b0 /*+basename(darkdata1),createtype(P)*/ ( __identity__, __raw__ ) AS SELECT darkdata1.__identity__, darkdata1.__raw__ FROM public.darkdata1 ORDER BY darkdata1.__identity__ SEGMENTED BY hash(darkdata1.__identity__) ALL NODES OFFSET 0; SELECT MARK_DESIGN_KSAFE(1); (1 row) => select export_objects('','darkdata1_keys_super'); CREATE PROJECTION public.darkdata1_keys_super /*+basename(darkdata1_keys),createtype(P)*/ ( key_name, frequency, data_type_guess ) AS SELECT darkdata1_keys.key_name, darkdata1_keys.frequency, darkdata1_keys.data_type_guess FROM public.darkdata1_keys ORDER BY darkdata1_keys.frequency UNSEGMENTED ALL NODES; SELECT MARK_DESIGN_KSAFE(1); (1 row)
The following example creates a table called darkdata1
with one column definition (date_col
). The statement specifies the partition by
clause to partition the data by year. Vertica creates a default superprojection and buddy projections as part of creating the table:
=> CREATE FLEX TABLE darkdata1 (date_col date NOT NULL) partition by extract('year' from date_col); CREATE TABLE