Vertica prepares an optimized query plan for a MERGE statement if the statement and its tables meet the criteria described in MERGE Optimization.

Use the EXPLAIN keyword to determine whether Vertica can produce an optimized query plan for a given MERGE statement. If optimization is possible, the EXPLAIN-generated output contains a[Semi] path, as shown in the following sample fragment:

Access Path:
+-DML DELETE [Cost: 0, Rows: 0]
|  Target Projection: public.A_b1 (DELETE ON CONTAINER)
|  Target Prep:
|  Execute on: All Nodes
| +---> JOIN MERGEJOIN(inputs presorted) [Semi] [Cost: 6, Rows: 1 (NO STATISTICS)] (PATH ID: 1) 
         Inner (RESEGMENT)
| |      Join Cond: (A.a1 = VAL(2))
| |      Execute on: All Nodes
| | +-- Outer -> STORAGE ACCESS for A [Cost: 2, Rows: 2 (NO STATISTICS)] (PATH ID: 2)

Conversely, if Vertica cannot create an optimized plan, EXPLAIN-generated output contains RightOuter path:

Access Path: +-DML MERGE 
 |  Target Projection: public.locations_b1
 |  Target Projection: public.locations_b0
 |  Target Prep:
 |  Execute on: All Nodes
 | +---> JOIN MERGEJOIN(inputs presorted) [RightOuter] [Cost: 28, Rows: 3 (NO STATISTICS)] (PATH ID: 1) Outer (RESEGMENT) Inner (RESEGMENT)
 | |      Join Cond: (locations.user_id = VAL(2)) AND (locations.location_x = VAL(2)) AND (locations.location_y = VAL(2))
 | |      Execute on: All Nodes
 | | +-- Outer -> STORAGE ACCESS for <No Alias> [Cost: 15, Rows: 2 (NO STATISTICS)] (PATH ID: 2)