Using System Tables

Vertica provides system tables for obtaining information about system resources, background processes, workload, and performance—for example, load streams, query profiles, and tuple mover operations. Vertica collects and refreshes this information automatically.

You can query system tables using expressions, predicates, aggregates, analytics, subqueries, and joins. You can also save system table query results into a user table for future analysis. For example, the following query creates a table, mynode, selecting three node-related columns from the V_CATALOG.NODES system table:

=> CREATE TABLE mynode AS SELECT node_name, node_state, node_address FROM nodes;
=> SELECT * FROM mynode;
    node_name     | node_state |  node_address  
 v_vmart_node0001 | UP         |
(1 row)

You cannot query system tables if the database cluster is in a recovering state. The database refuses connection requests and cannot be monitored. Vertica also does not support DDL and DML operations on system tables.

Where System Tables Reside

System tables are grouped into two schemas:

  • V_CATALOG: Provides information about persistent objects in the catalog
  • V_MONITOR: Provides information about transient system state

These schemas reside in the default search path so there is no need to specify schema.table in your queries unless you change the search path to exclude V_MONITOR or V_CATALOG or both.

The system tables that make up the monitoring API are described in the SQL Reference Manual. You can also use the following command to view all the system tables and their schema:

SELECT * FROM system_tables ORDER BY table_schema, table_name;

How System Tables Are Organized

Most system tables are grouped into the following areas:

  • System information
  • System resources
  • Background processes
  • Workload and performance

Vertica reserves some memory to help monitor busy systems. Using simple system table queries makes it easier to troubleshoot issues. See also SYSQUERY and SYSDATA pools under Built-in pools topic in SQL Reference Manual.

You can use external monitoring tools or scripts to query the system tables and act upon the information, as necessary. For example, when a host failure causes the K-safety level to fall below the desired level, the tool or script can notify the database administrator and/or appropriate IT personnel of the change, typically in the form of an e-mail.


You can GRANT and REVOKE privileges on system tables, with the following restrictions:

  • You cannot GRANT privileges on system tables to the SYSMONITOR or PSEUDOSUPERUSER roles.
  • You cannot GRANT on system schemas.

Querying Case-Sensitive Data in System Tables

Some system table data might be stored in mixed case. For example, Vertica stores mixed-case identifier names the way you specify them in the CREATE statement, even though case is ignored when you reference them in queries. When these object names appear as data in the system tables, you'll encounter errors if you use the equality (=) predicate because the case must match the stored identifier. In particular, V_CATALOG.TABLES.TABLE_SCHEMA and V_CATALOG.TABLES.TABLE_NAME columns are case sensitive with equality predicates.

If you don't know how the identifiers are stored, use the case-insensitive operator ILIKE instead of equality predicates.

For example, given the following schema:

=> CREATE TABLE SS.TT (c1 int);

If you run a query using the = predicate, Vertica returns 0 rows:

=> SELECT table_schema, table_name FROM v_catalog.tables WHERE table_schema ='ss'; 
table_schema | table_name
(0 rows)

Using the case-insensitive ILIKE predicate returns the expected results:

=> SELECT table_schema, table_name FROM v_catalog.tables WHERE table_schema ILIKE 'ss'; 
table_schema | table_name
 SS           | TT
(1 row)


The following examples illustrate simple ways to use system tables in queries.

=> SELECT current_epoch, designed_fault_tolerance, current_fault_tolerance FROM SYSTEM;
 current_epoch | designed_fault_tolerance | current_fault_tolerance
           492 |                        1 |                       1
(1 row)

=> SELECT node_name, total_user_session_count, executed_query_count FROM query_metrics;
    node_name     | total_user_session_count | executed_query_count
 v_vmart_node0001 |                      115 |                  353
 v_vmart_node0002 |                      114 |                   35
 v_vmart_node0003 |                      116 |                   34
(3 rows)

=> SELECT DISTINCT(schema_name), schema_owner FROM schemata;
 schema_name  | schema_owner
 v_catalog    | dbadmin
 v_txtindex   | dbadmin
 v_func       | dbadmin
 TOPSCHEMA    | dbadmin
 online_sales | dbadmin
 v_internal   | dbadmin
 v_monitor    | dbadmin
 structs      | dbadmin
 public       | dbadmin
 store        | dbadmin
(10 rows)