
Configure your database connection.

vertica_db_client.connect(dsn=None, database=None, user=None, password=None, host=None, port=None, sslmode=None, sessionlabel=None, connsettings=None)

Returns a new database connection object.

dsn (Optional[str]): Data Source Name (DSN) is the ODBC logical name for the drive
and other information the database needs to access data.

database (str): The name of your Vertica database.

user (str): Your Vertica user name.

password (str): The password for the user’s account.

host (Optional[str]): The name of the host.

port (Optional[str]): The port number on which Vertica listens for ODBC connections. Default value: 5433

sslmode (Optional[str]): Specifies how (or whether) clients use SSL when connecting to servers.
The default value is prefer, meaning to use SSL if the server offers it. Legal values are “require”, “prefer”, “allow”, and “disable”.
sessionlabel (Optional[str]): Sets a label for the connection on the server. This value appears in the
session_id column of the V_MONITOR.SESSIONS system table.
connsettings (Optional[str]): A string containing SQL commands that the driver should execute immediately
after connecting to the server. You can use this parameter to configure the connection, such as setting a schema search path. Reserved symbols: In the connection string ‘;’ is a reserved symbol. To set multiple parameters as part of ConnSettings parameters, use ‘%3B’ for ‘,’. Also use ‘+’ for spaces.

As a connection string:

conn = vertica_db_client.connect("database=verticadb user=user_name password=pwd")

As a set of keyword arguments:

conn = vertica_db_client.connect(database="verticadb", user='user_name', password='pwd')

As a dictionary:

dict_conn = {'database': 'verticadb', 'user': 'user_name', 'password': 'pwd'}
conn = vertica_db_client.connect(dict_conn)

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