Returns a detailed list of all tables made available through the HCatalog Connector. See Using the HCatalog Connector in Integrating with Apache Hadoop.

Column Name Data Type Description


ID number of the schema



The name of the Vertica Analytic Database schema through which the table is available

HCATALOG_SCHEMA VARCHAR(128) The name of the Hive schema or database that contains the table
TABLE_NAME VARCHAR(128) The name of the table
HCATALOG_USER_NAME VARCHAR(128) The name of the HCatalog user whose credentials are used to access the table's data
MIN_FILE_SIZE_BYTES INTEGER The file size of the table's smallest data file, if using WebHCat; null if using HiveServer2
TOTAL_NUMBER_FILES INTEGER The number of files used to store this table's data in HDFS
LOCATION VARCHAR(8192) The URI for the directory containing this table's data, normally an HDFS URI
LAST_UPDATE_TIME TIMESTAMPTZ The last time data in this table was updated, if using WebHCat; null if using HiveServer2
OUTPUT_FORMAT VARCHAR(128) The Hive SerDe class used to output data from this table
LAST_ACCESS_TIME TIMESTAMPTZ The last time data in this table was accessed, if using WebHCat; null if using HiveServer2
MAX_FILE_SIZE_BYTES INTEGER The size of the largest data file for this table, if using WebHCat; null if using HiveServer2
IS_PARTITIONED BOOLEAN Whether this table is partitioned
PARTITION_EXPRESSION VARCHAR(128) The expression used to partition this table
TABLE_OWNER VARCHAR(128) The Hive user that owns this table in the Hive database, if using WebHCat; null if using HiveServer2
INPUT_FORMAT VARCHAR(128) The SerDe class used to read the data from this table
TOTAL_FILE_SIZE_BYTES INTEGER Total number of bytes used by all of this table's data files
HCATALOG_GROUP VARCHAR(128) The permission group assigned to this table, if using WebHCat; null if using HiveServer2
PERMISSION VARCHAR(128) The Unix file permissions for this group, as shown by the ls -l command, if using WebHCat; null if using HiveServer2


No explicit permissions are required; however, users see only the records that correspond to schemas they have permissions to access.