A user-defined transform function (UDTF) that loads the one hot encoder model and writes out a table that contains the encoded columns.


APPLY_ONE_HOT_ENCODER( input‑columns 
                    USING PARAMETERS model_name='model‑name'
                                     [, drop_first='is‑first']
                                     [, ignore_null='ignore']
                                     [, separator='separator‑character']
                                     [, column_naming='name‑output']
                                     [, null_column_name='null‑column‑name'] )


input‑columns Comma-separated list of columns to use from the input relation, or asterisk (*) to select all columns.

Parameter Settings

Parameter name Set to…
model_name Name of the model (case-insensitive) , stores the categories and their corresponding levels.

Boolean value, one of the following:

  • true (default): Treat the first level of the categorical variable as the reference level.
  • false: Every level of the categorical variable has a corresponding column in the output view

Boolean value, one of the following:

  • true (default): Null values set all corresponding one-hot binary columns to null.
  • false: Null values in input‑columns are treated as a categorical level

The character that separates the input variable name and the indicator variable level in the output table.To avoid using any separator, set this parameter to null value.

Default: Underscore (_)


Appends categorical levels to column names according to the specified method:

  • indices (default): Uses integer indices to represent categorical levels.
  • values/values_relaxed: Both methods use categorical level names. If duplicate column names occur, the function attempts to disambiguate them by appending _n, where n is a zero-based integer index (_0, _1,…).

    If the function cannot produce unique column names , it handles this according to the chosen method:

    • values returns an error.
    • values_relaxed reverts to using indices.

The following column naming rules apply if column_naming is set to values or values_relaxed:

  • Input column names with more than 128 characters are truncated.
  • Column names can contain special characters.
  • If parameter ignore_null is set to true, APPLY_ONE_HOT_ENCODER constructs the column name from the value set in parameter null_column_name. If this parameter is omitted, the string null is used.

The string used in naming the indicator column for null values, used only if ignore_null is set to false and column_naming is set to values or values_relaxed.

Default: null

Note: If an input row contains a level not stored in the model, the output row columns corresponding to that categorical level are returned as null values.


=> SELECT APPLY_ONE_HOT_ENCODER(cyl USING PARAMETERS model_name='one_hot_encoder_model', 
drop_first='true', ignore_null='false') FROM mtcars;
cyl | cyl_1 | cyl_2
8   |     0 |     1
4   |     0 |     0
4   |     0 |     0
8   |     0 |     1
8   |     0 |     1
8   |     0 |     1
4   |     0 |     0
8   |     0 |     1
8   |     0 |     1
4   |     0 |     0
8   |     0 |     1
6   |     1 |     0
4   |     0 |     0
4   |     0 |     0
6   |     1 |     0
6   |     1 |     0
8   |     0 |     1
8   |     0 |     1
4   |     0 |     0
4   |     0 |     0
6   |     1 |     0
8   |     0 |     1
8   |     0 |     1
6   |     1 |     0
4   |     0 |     0
8   |     0 |     1
8   |     0 |     1
8   |     0 |     1
6   |     1 |     0
6   |     1 |     0
4   |     0 |     0
4   |     0 |     0
(32 rows)

See Also