Common vkconfig Script Options
These options are available across the different tools available in the vkconfig script.
Option | Description |
--conf filename |
A text file containing configuration options for the vkconfig script. See Configuration File Format below. |
--config-schema schema_name |
The name of the scheduler's Vertica schema. This value is the same as the name of the scheduler. You use this name to identify the scheduler during configuration. Default Value: stream_config |
--dbhost host name |
The host name or IP address of the Vertica node acting as the initiator node for the scheduler. Default Value: localhost |
--dbport port_number
The port to use to connect to a Vertica database. Default Value: 5433 |
Enables the vkconfig script to use SSL to connect to Vertica or between Vertica and Kafka. See Configuring Your Scheduler for TLS/SSL Connections for more information. |
Prints out a help menu listing available options with a description. |
--jdbc-opt option= value[&option2=value2...] |
One or more options to add to the standard JDBC URL that vkconfig uses to connect to Vertica. Cannot be combined with --jdbc-url . |
--jdbc-url url |
A complete JDBC URL that vkconfig uses instead of standard JDBC URL string to connect to Vertica. |
--password password |
Password for the database user. |
--ssl-ca-alias alias_name |
The alias of the root certificate authority in the trust store. Must be set when Vertica uses SSL to connect to Kafka. |
--ssl-key-alias alias_name |
The alias of the key and certificate pairs within the key store. Must be set when Vertica uses SSL to connect to Kafka. |
--ssl-key-password password |
The password for the SSL key. Must be set when Vertica uses SSL to connect to Kafka. Specifying this option on the command line can expose it to other users logged into the host. Always use a configuration file to set this option. |
--username username |
The Vertica database user used to alter the configuration of the scheduler. This use must have create privileges on the scheduler's schema. Default Value: Current user |
Displays the version number of the scheduler. |
Configuration File Format
You can use a configuration file to store common parameters you use in your calls to the vkconfig utility. The configuration file is a text file containing one option setting per line in the format:
You can also include comments in the option file by prefixing them with a hash mark (#). username=myuser password=mypassword dbhost=localhost dbport=5433
You tell vkconfig to use the configuration file using the --conf option:
$ /opt/vertica/packages/kafka/bin/vkconfig source --update --conf
You can override any stored parameter from the command line:
$ /opt/vertica/packages/kafka/bin/vkconfig source --update --conf --dbhost otherVerticaHost
These examples show how you can use the shared utility options.
Display help for the scheduler utility:
$ vkconfig scheduler --help This command configures a Scheduler, which can run and load data from configured sources and clusters into Vertica tables. It provides options for changing the 'frame duration' (time given per set of batches to resolve), as well as the dedicated Vertica resource pool the Scheduler will use while running. Available Options: PARAMETER #ARGS DESCRIPTION conf 1 Allow the use of a properties file to associate parameter keys and values. This file enables command string reuse and cleaner command strings. help 0 Outputs a help context for the given subutility. version 0 Outputs the current Version of the scheduer. skip-validation 0 [Depricated] Use --validation-type. validation-type 1 Determine what happens when there are configuration errors. Accepts: ERROR - errors out, WARN - prints out a message and continues, SKIP - skip running validations dbhost 1 The Vertica database hostname that contains metadata and configuration information. The default value is 'localhost'. dbport 1 The port at the hostname to connect to the Vertica database. The default value is '5433'. username 1 The user to connect to Vertica. The default value is the current system user. password 1 The password for the user connecting to Vertica. The default value is empty. jdbc-url 1 A JDBC URL that can override Vertica connection parameters and provide additional JDBC options. jdbc-opt 1 Options to add to the JDBC URL used to connect to Vertica ('&'-separated key=value list). Used with generated URL (i.e. not with '--jdbc-url' set). enable-ssl 1 Enable SSL between JDBC and Vertica and/or Vertica and Kafka. ssl-ca-alias 1 The alias of the root CA within the provided trust store used when connecting between Vertica and Kafka. ssl-key-alias 1 The alias of the key and certificate pair within the provided key store used when connecting between Vertica and Kafka. ssl-key-password 1 The password for the key used when connecting between Vertica and Kafka. Should be hidden with file access (see --conf). config-schema 1 The schema containing the configuration details to be used, created or edited. This parameter defines the scheduler. The default value is 'stream_config'. create 0 Create a new instance of the supplied type. read 0 Read an instance of the supplied type. update 0 Update an instance of the supplied type. delete 0 Delete an instance of the supplied type. drop 0 Drops the specified configuration schema. CAUTION: this command will completely delete and remove all configuration and monitoring data for the specified scheduler. dump 0 Dump the config schema query string used to answer this command in the output. operator 1 Specifies a user designated as an operator for the created configuration. Used with --create. add-operator 1 Add a user designated as an operator for the specified configuration. Used with --update. remove-operator 1 Removes a user designated as an operator for the specified configuration. Used with --update. upgrade 0 Upgrade the current scheduler configuration schema to the current version of this scheduler. WARNING: if upgrading between EXCAVATOR and FRONTLOADER be aware that the Scheduler is not backwards compatible. The upgrade procedure will translate your kafka model into the new stream model. upgrade-to-schema 1 Used with upgrade: will upgrade the configuration to a new given schema instead of upgrading within the same schema. fix-config 0 Attempts to fix the configuration (ex: dropped tables) before doing any other updates. Used with --update. frame-duration 1 The duration of the Scheduler's frame, in which every configured Microbatch runs. Default is 10 seconds: '00:00:10' resource-pool 1 The Vertica resource pool to run the Scheduler on. Default is 'kafka_default_pool'. config-refresh 1 The interval of time between Scheduler configuration refreshes. Default is 5 minutes: '00:05' new-source-policy 1 The policy for new Sources to be scheduled during a frame. Options are: START, END, and FAIR. Default is 'FAIR'. pushback-policy 1 pushback-max-count 1 auto-sync 1 Automatically update configuration based on metadata from the Kafka cluster consumer-group-id 1 The Kafka consumer group id to report offsets to. eof-timeout-ms 1 [DEPRECATED] This option has no effect