Configuring Kerberos

To use a storage location in HDFS with Kerberos, take the following steps:

  1. Create a Kerberos principal for each Vertica node as explained in Using Kerberos with Vertica.
  2. Give all node principals read and write permission to the HDFS directory you will use as a storage location.

If you plan to back up your HDFS storage locations, take the following additional steps:

  1. Grant Hadoop superuser privileges to the new principals.
  2. Configure backups, including setting the HadoopConfDir configuration parameter, following the instructions in Configuring Hadoop and Vertica to Enable Backup of HDFS Storage .
  3. Configure user impersonation to be able to restore from backups following the instructions in "Setting Kerberos Parameters" in Configuring Vertica to Restore HDFS Storage Locations.

Because the keytab file supplies the principal used to create the location, you must have it in place before creating the storage location. After you deploy keytab files to all database nodes, use the CREATE LOCATION statement to create the storage location as usual.