Continuous Load and Query


You want your application to run continuous load streams, but many have up concurrent query streams. You want to ensure that performance is predictable.


The solution to this scenario depends on your query mix. In all cases, the following approach applies:

  1. Determine the number of continuous load streams required. This may be related to the desired load rate if a single stream does not provide adequate throughput, or may be more directly related to the number of sources of data to load. Also determine if automatic storage is best, or if DIRECT is required. Create a dedicated resource pool for the loads, and associate it with the database user that will perform them. See CREATE RESOURCE POOL for details.

    In general, concurrency settings for the load pool should be less than the number of cores per node. Unless the source processes are slow, it is more efficient to dedicate more memory per load, and have additional loads queue. Adjust the load pool's QUEUETIMEOUT setting if queuing is expected.

  2. If using automatic targeting of COPY and INSERT, set the PLANNEDCONCURRENCY parameter of the WOSDATA pool to the number of concurrent loads expected. Also, set MEMORYSIZE of the WOS to the expected size of the loaded data to ensure that small loads don't spill to ROS immediately. See Built-In Pools for details.
  3. Run the load workload for a while and observe whether the load performance is as expected. If the Tuple Mover is not tuned adequately to cover the load behavior, see Managing the Tuple Mover in Administrator's Guide.
  4. If there is more than one kind of query in the system—for example, some queries must be answered quickly for interactive users, while others are part of a batch reporting process—follow the guidelines in Handling Mixed Workloads: Batch versus Interactive.
  5. Let the queries run and observe performance. If some classes of queries do not perform as desired, then you might need to tune the GENERAL pool as outlined in Restricting Resource Usage of Ad Hoc Query Application, or create more dedicated resource pools for those queries. See more information, see CEO Query andHandling Mixed Workloads: Batch versus Interactive.

See the sections on Managing Workloads and CREATE RESOURCE POOL for information on obtaining predictable results in mixed workload environments.