Viewing Privileges Granted on Objects

Vertica logs information about privileges granted on various objects, including the grantor and grantee, in the V_CATALOG.GRANTS system table. The order of columns in the table corresponds to the order in which they appear in the GRANT command. An asterisk in the output means the privilege was granted WITH GRANT OPTION.

The following command queries the GRANTS system table:

=> SELECT * FROM grants ORDER BY grantor, grantee;

 grantor |             privileges_description              | object_schema | object_name |  grantee
 Bob     |                                                 |               | commentor   | Alice
 dbadmin | CREATE                                          |               | schema2     | Bob
 dbadmin |                                                 |               | commentor   | Bob
 dbadmin |                                                 |               | commentor   | Bob
 dbadmin |                                                 |               | logadmin    | Bob
 dbadmin | USAGE                                           |               | general     | Bob
 dbadmin | INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE, REFERENCES              | public        | applog      | Bob
 dbadmin |                                                 |               | logadmin    | Ted
 dbadmin | USAGE                                           |               | general     | Ted
 dbadmin | USAGE                                           |               | general     | Sue
 dbadmin | CREATE, CREATE TEMP                             |               | vmart       | Sue
 dbadmin | USAGE                                           |               | public      | Sue
 dbadmin | SELECT*                                         | public        | applog      | Sue
 dbadmin | USAGE                                           |               | general     | Alice
 dbadmin | INSERT, SELECT                                  | public        | comments    | commentor
 dbadmin | INSERT, SELECT                                  | public        | applog      | commentor
 dbadmin |                                                 |               | logwriter   | logadmin
 dbadmin |                                                 |               | logreader   | logadmin
 dbadmin | DELETE                                          | public        | applog      | logadmin
 dbadmin | SELECT                                          | public        | applog      | logreader
 dbadmin | INSERT                                          | public        | applog      | logwriter
 dbadmin | USAGE                                           |               | v_internal  | public
 dbadmin | CREATE TEMP                                     |               | vmart       | public
 dbadmin | USAGE                                           |               | public      | public
 dbadmin | USAGE                                           |               | v_catalog   | public
 dbadmin | USAGE                                           |               | v_monitor   | public
 dbadmin | CREATE*, CREATE TEMP*                           |               | vmart       | dbadmin
 dbadmin | USAGE*, CREATE*                                 |               | schema2     | dbadmin
 dbadmin | INSERT*, SELECT*, UPDATE*, DELETE*, REFERENCES* | public        | comments    | dbadmin
 dbadmin | INSERT*, SELECT*, UPDATE*, DELETE*, REFERENCES* | public        | applog      | dbadmin
(30 rows)

To quickly find all of the privileges that have been granted to all users on the schema named myschema, run the following statement:

=> SELECT grantee, privileges_description FROM GRANTS   WHERE object_name='myschema';
 grantee | privileges_description
 Bob     | USAGE, CREATE
 Alice   | CREATE
(2 rows)

Note that the vsql commands, \dp and \z, both return similar information to GRANTS:

=> \dp
                           Access privileges for database "apps"  Grantee  | Grantor |                   Privileges                    | Schema |    Name
 public    | dbadmin | USAGE                                           |        | v_internal
 public    | dbadmin | USAGE                                           |        | v_catalog
 public    | dbadmin | USAGE                                           |        | v_monitor
 logadmin  | dbadmin |                                                 |        | logreader
 logadmin  | dbadmin |                                                 |        | logwriter
 Fred      | dbadmin | USAGE                                           |        | general
 Fred      | dbadmin |                                                 |        | logadmin
 Bob       | dbadmin | USAGE                                           |        | general
 dbadmin   | dbadmin | USAGE*, CREATE*                                 |        | schema2
 Bob       | dbadmin | CREATE                                          |        | schema2
 Sue       | dbadmin | USAGE                                           |        | general
 public    | dbadmin | USAGE                                           |        | public
 Sue       | dbadmin | USAGE                                           |        | public
 public    | dbadmin | CREATE TEMP                                     |        | appdat
 dbadmin   | dbadmin | CREATE*, CREATE TEMP*                           |        | appdat
 Sue       | dbadmin | CREATE, CREATE TEMP                             |        | appdat
 dbadmin   | dbadmin | INSERT*, SELECT*, UPDATE*, DELETE*, REFERENCES* | public | applog
 logreader | dbadmin | SELECT                                          | public | applog
 logwriter | dbadmin | INSERT                                          | public | applog
 logadmin  | dbadmin | DELETE                                          | public | applog
 Sue       | dbadmin | SELECT*                                         | public | applog
(22 rows)

See GRANT Statements in the SQL Reference Manual.