Provides gap-filling and interpolation (GFI) computation, an important component of time series analytics computation. See Time Series Analytics in Analyzing Data for details and examples.


TIMESERIES slice‑time AS 'length‑and‑time‑unit‑expr' OVER ( 
... [ PARTITION BY (column‑expr[,…] ]
... ORDER BY time‑expr ) 
... [ ORDER BY table‑column[,…] ]



A time column produced by the TIMESERIES clause, which stores the time slice start times generated from gap filling.

Note: This parameter is an alias, so you can use any name that an alias would take.


An INTERVAL DAY TO SECOND literal that specifies the length of time unit of time slice computation. For example:

TIMESERIES slice_time AS '3 seconds' ...

OVER() Specifies partitioning and ordering for the function. OVER() also specifies that the time series function operates on a query result set—that is, the rows that are returned after the FROM, WHERE, GROUP BY, and HAVING clauses are evaluated.
PARTITION BY (column‑expr[,…] ) Partitions the data by the specified column expressions. Gap filling and interpolation is performed on each partition separately
ORDER BY time‑expr Sorts the data by the TIMESTAMP expression time‑expr, which computes the time information of the time series data.

Note: The TIMESERIES clause requires an ORDER BY operation on the timestamp column.


If the window-partition-clause is not specified in TIMESERIES OVER(), for each defined time slice, exactly one output record is produced; otherwise, one output record is produced per partition per time slice. Interpolation is computed there.

Given a query block that contains a TIMESERIES clause, the following are the semantic phases of execution (after evaluating the FROM and the optional WHERE clauses):

  1. Compute time-expression.
  2. Perform the same computation as the TIME_SLICE() function on each input record based on the result of time‑exp and 'length‑and‑time‑unit‑expr'.

    1. Perform gap filling to generate time slices missing from the input.
    2. Name the result of this computation as slice_time, which represents the generated “time series” column (alias) after gap filling.
  3. Partition the data by expression, slice‑time. For each partition, do step 4.
  4. Sort the data by time‑expr. Interpolation is computed here.

There is semantic overlap between the TIMESERIES clause and the TIME_SLICE function with the following key differences:



For examples, see Gap Filling and Interpolation (GFI) in Analyzing Data.