Closes all external sessions except the one that issues this function. Use CLOSE_ALL_SESSIONS before shutting down the Vertica database.

Vertica closes sessions asynchronously, so it is possible for another session to open before all previous sessions close. In this case, you must reissue this function before the database can be shut down. To view the status of all open sessions, query the system table SESSIONS.

Query to view all database sessions.

For detailed information about session management options, see Managing Sessions in the Administrator's Guide.





Two user sessions are open on separate nodes:

=> SELECT * FROM sessions;
-[ RECORD 1 ]--------------+----------------------------------------------------
node_name                  | v_vmartdb_node0001
user_name                  | dbadmin
client_hostname            |
client_pid                 | 4554
login_timestamp            | 2011-01-03 14:05:40.252625-05
session_id                 | stress04-4325:0x14
client_label               |
transaction_start          | 2011-01-03 14:05:44.325781
transaction_id             | 45035996273728326
transaction_description    | user dbadmin (select * from sessions;)
statement_start            | 2011-01-03 15:36:13.896288
statement_id               | 10
last_statement_duration_us | 14978
current_statement          | select * from sessions;
ssl_state                  | None
authentication_method      | Trust
-[ RECORD 2 ]--------------+----------------------------------------------------
node_name                  | v_vmartdb_node0002
user_name                  | dbadmin
client_hostname            |
client_pid                 | 30117
login_timestamp            | 2011-01-03 15:33:00.842021-05
session_id                 | stress05-27944:0xc1a
client_label               |
transaction_start          | 2011-01-03 15:34:46.538102
transaction_id             | -1
transaction_description    | user dbadmin (COPY Mart_Fact FROM '/data/mart_Fact.tbl' 
                             DELIMITER '|' NULL '\\n';)
statement_start            | 2011-01-03 15:34:46.538862
statement_id               |
last_statement_duration_us | 26250
current_statement          | COPY Mart_Fact FROM '/data/Mart_Fact.tbl' DELIMITER '|' 
                             NULL '\\n';
ssl_state                  | None
authentication_method      | Trust
-[ RECORD 3 ]--------------+----------------------------------------------------
node_name                  | v_vmartdb_node0003
user_name                  | dbadmin
client_hostname            |
client_pid                 | 1191
login_timestamp            | 2011-01-03 15:31:44.939302-05
session_id                 | stress06-25663:0xbec
client_label               |
transaction_start          | 2011-01-03 15:34:51.05939
transaction_id             | 54043195528458775
transaction_description    | user dbadmin (COPY Mart_Fact FROM '/data/Mart_Fact.tbl' 
                             DELIMITER '|' NULL '\\n' DIRECT;)
statement_start            | 2011-01-03 15:35:46.436748
statement_id               |
last_statement_duration_us | 1591403
current_statement          | COPY Mart_Fact FROM '/data/Mart_Fact.tbl' DELIMITER '|' 
                             NULL '\\n' DIRECT;
ssl_state                  | None
authentication_method      | Trust

Close all sessions:

=> \x
Expanded display is off.
 Close all sessions command sent. Check v_monitor.sessions for progress.
(1 row)

Session contents after issuing CLOSE_ALL_SESSIONS:

-[ RECORD 1 ]--------------+----------------------------------------
node_name                  | v_vmartdb_node0001
user_name                  | dbadmin
client_hostname            |
client_pid                 | 4554
login_timestamp            | 2011-01-03 14:05:40.252625-05
session_id                 | stress04-4325:0x14
client_label               |
transaction_start          | 2011-01-03 14:05:44.325781
transaction_id             | 45035996273728326
transaction_description    | user dbadmin (SELECT * FROM sessions;)
statement_start            | 2011-01-03 16:19:56.720071
statement_id               | 25
last_statement_duration_us | 15605
current_statement          | SELECT * FROM SESSIONS;
ssl_state                  | None
authentication_method      | Trust

See Also