Monitoring Using MC

Management Console gathers and retains history of important system activities about your MC-managed database cluster, such as performance and resource utilization. You can use MC charts to locate performance bottlenecks on a particular node, to identify potential improvements to Vertica configuration, and as a reference for what actions users have taken on the MC interface.

Note: MC directly queries Data Collector tables on the MC-monitored databases themselves. See Management Console Architecture in Vertica Concepts. For how to set up MC to query an alternative database for monitoring data, see Extended Monitoring.

The following list describes some of the areas you can monitor and troubleshoot through the MC interface:

About Chart Updates

MC charts update dynamically with text, color, and messages Management Console receives from the agents on the database cluster. This information can help you quickly resolve problems.

Each client session to MC uses a connection from MaxClientSessions, a database configuration parameter. This parameter determines the maximum number of sessions that can run on a single database cluster node. Sometimes multiple MC users, mapped to the same database account, are concurrently monitoring the Overview and Activity pages. In such cases, graphs could be slow to update while MC waits for a connection from the pool.

Tip: You can increase the value for MaxClientSessions on an MC-monitored database to account for extra sessions. See Managing Sessions for details.