Tests the Kerberos configuration of a Vertica cluster that uses HDFS. This function is a more specific version of KERBEROS_CONFIG_CHECK.

You can call this function with arguments to specify an HDFS configuration to test, or without arguments. If you call it with no arguments, this function reads the HDFS configuration files and fails if it does not find them.  See Configuring the hdfs Scheme. If it finds configuration files, it tests all configured nameservices.

The function performs the following tests, in order:

If any test fails, the function returns a descriptive error message.


KERBEROS_HDFS_CONFIG_CHECK( ['hdfsHost:hdfsPort', 
  'webhdfsHost:webhdfsPort', 'webhcatHost:webhcatPort'] )


hdfsHost, hdfsPort

The hostname or IP address and port of the HDFS name node. Vertica uses this server to access data that is specified with hdfs URLs. If the value is ' ', the function skips this part of the check.

webhdfsHost, webhdfsPort

The hostname or IP address and port of the WebHDFS server. Vertica uses this server to access data that is specified with webhdfs URLs. If the value is ' ', the function skips this part of the check.

webhcatHost, webhcatPort

The hostname or IP address and port of the WebHCat server. The HCatalog Connector uses this server to access data through Hive. If the value is ' ', the function skips this part of the check.


This function does not require privileges.


The following example shows the results when the function cannot infer the configuration from the HDFS configuration files.

--------Checking basic Kerberos configuration---------
 ok: kinit exists
 ok: klist exists
 ok: krb5 exists at [/etc/krb5.conf]

---------Checking basic Hadoop configuration---------
 HadoopFSPrincipal: [mydb/]
 HadoopFSAuthentication (default): [/scratch_b/qa/mydb.keytab]
 HadoopFSTokenRefreshFrequency: 0
 HadoopFSKinitCommand: export KRB5CCNAME=%tmp%; kinit %principal% -k -t %keytab% -c %tmp%; %cmd%; V_HADOOP_RESULT=$?; rm %tmp%; exit $V_HADOOP_RESULT;
 HadoopFSConnectionTimeout: 60
 ok: Can read HDFS keys
 ok: Can get tickets for hdfs principal
 ok: vertica can kinit as HDFS storage

**Inferring HDFS configuration**
 Number of HDFS Clusters: 1
 Cluster 1 is HA

---------Checking LibHdfs++ configurations---------

**Checking default LibHdfs++ Nameservice**
 ok: Vertica can perform LibHdfs++ operations at [hdfs:///]
 ok: Can access [hdfs:///] using delegated ticket for [dbuser]

**Checking LibHdfs++ using hdfs configurations found if any**
 ok: Vertica can perform LibHdfs++ operations at [hdfs://ns-server1/]
 ok: Can access [hdfs://ns-server1/] using delegated ticket for [dbuser]

---------Checking WebHdfs configurations---------  Attempt to pull an unathenticated page from the WebHdfs URL via curl
 ok: JMX works unauthenticated
 ok: Can make external connection to WebHdfs
 ok: Vertica can perform WebHdfs operations at []
 ok: Can access [] using delegated ticket for [dbuser]

---------Checking WebHCat configurations---------
 ok: Webhcat works unauthenticated
 ok: Can connect to webhcat at []

(1 row)

The following example uses parameters to specify the three hosts to check. The Kerberos configuration is valid for HDFS and WebHDFS but not for WebHCat.

        '', '');

--------Checking basic Kerberos configuration---------
 ok: kinit exists
 ok: klist exists
 ok: krb5 exists at [/etc/krb5.conf]

---------Checking basic Hadoop configuration---------
 HadoopFSPrincipal: [mydb/]
 HadoopFSAuthentication (default): [/scratch_b/qa/mydb.keytab]
 HadoopFSTokenRefreshFrequency: 0
 HadoopFSKinitCommand: export KRB5CCNAME=%tmp%; kinit %principal% -k -t %keytab% -c %tmp%; %cmd%; V_HADOOP_RESULT=$?; rm %tmp%; exit $V_HADOOP_RESULT;
 HadoopFSConnectionTimeout: 60
 ok: Can read HDFS keys
 ok: Can get tickets for hdfs principal
 ok: vertica can kinit as HDFS storage

---------Checking LibHdfs++ configurations---------

**Checking default LibHdfs++ Nameservice**
 ok: Vertica can perform LibHdfs++ operations at [hdfs:///]
 ok: Can access [hdfs:///] using delegated ticket for [dbuser]

**Checking LibHdfs++ using hdfs configurations found if any**
 ok: Vertica can perform LibHdfs++ operations at [hdfs://ns-server1/]
 ok: Can access [hdfs://ns-server1/] using delegated ticket for [dbuser]

---------Checking WebHdfs configurations---------  Attempt to pull an unathenticated page from the WebHdfs URL via curl
 ok: JMX works unauthenticated
 ok: Can make external connection to WebHdfs
 ok: Vertica can perform WebHdfs operations at []
 ok: Can access [] using delegated ticket for [dbuser]

---------Checking WebHCat configurations---------
 FAILED: Could not make unauthenticated connection to webhcat []
 FAILED: Could not make external connection to webhcat at  []

(1 row)