Materializes virtual columns listed as key_names in the flextable_keys table you compute using either COMPUTE_FLEXTABLE_KEYS or COMPUTE_FLEXTABLE_KEYS_AND_BUILD_VIEW.

Note: Each column that you materialize with this function counts against the data storage limit of your license. To check your Vertica license compliance, call the AUDIT() or AUDIT_FLEX() functions.


materialize_flextable_columns('flex_table' [, n-columns [, keys_table_name] ])



The name of the flex table with columns to materialize. Specifying only the flex table name attempts to materialize up to 50 columns of key names in the default flex_table_keys table. When you use this argument, the function:

  • Skips any columns already materialized
  • Ignores any empty keys

To materialize a specific number of columns, use the optional parameter n_columns, described next.


[Optional ] The number of columns to materialize. The function attempts to materialize the number of columns from the flex_table_keys table, skipping any columns already materialized.

Vertica tables support a total of 1600 columns, which is the largest value you can specify for n-columns. The function orders the materialized results by frequency, descending, key_name when materializing the first n columns.


[Optional] The name of a flex_keys_table from which to materialize columns. The function:

  • Materializes the number of columns (value of n-columns) from keys_table_name
  • Skips any columns already materialized
  • Orders the materialized results by frequency, descending, key_name when materializing the first n columns.


The following example shows how to call materialize_flextable_columns to materialize columns. First, load a sample file of tweets (tweets_10000.json) into the flex table twitter_r.

After loading data and computing keys for the sample flex table, call materialize_flextable_columns to materialize the first four columns: 

=> COPY twitter_r FROM '/home/release/KData/tweets_10000.json' parser fjsonparser();
 Rows Loaded
(1 row)

=> SELECT compute_flextable_keys ('twitter_r');
 Please see public.twitter_r_keys for updated keys
(1 row)

=> select materialize_flextable_columns('twitter_r', 4);
 The following columns were added to the table public.twitter_r:
For more details, run the following query:
SELECT * FROM v_catalog.materialize_flextable_columns_results WHERE table_schema = 'public' and table_name = 'twitter_r';

(1 row)

The last message in the example recommends querying the materialize_flextable_columns_results system table for the results of materializing the columns, as shown:

=> SELECT * FROM v_catalog.materialize_flextable_columns_results WHERE table_schema = 'public' and table_name = 'twitter_r';
table_id           | table_schema | table_name |      creation_time           |     key_name      | status |    message 
 45035996273733172 | public       | twitter_r  | 2013-11-20 17:00:27.945484-05| contributors      | ADDED  | Added successfully
 45035996273733172 | public       | twitter_r  | 2013-11-20 17:00:27.94551-05 | entities.hashtags | ADDED  | Added successfully
 45035996273733172 | public       | twitter_r  | 2013-11-20 17:00:27.945519-05| entities.urls     | ADDED  | Added successfully
 45035996273733172 | public       | twitter_r  | 2013-11-20 17:00:27.945532-05| created_at        | EXISTS | Column of same name already
(4 rows)

See the MATERIALIZE_FLEXTABLE_COLUMNS_RESULTS system table in the SQL Reference Manual.

See Also