Installing the Example Database

Vertica gives you two options to install the example database:

Installing the Example Database From a Script

The scripts are located in /opt/vertica/sbin and are called:

  1. In a terminal window, log in as the DBA user:

    # su dbadmin
  2. Run the install_example script:

    $ /opt/vertica/sbin/install_example VMart
  3. Note: If you have not already done so, you must accept the EULA (one time only) using the Administration Tools. You'll also do that in Step 2 of the Tutorial.

  4. Connect to the database:

    $ /opt/vertica/bin/vsql

    Alternatively connect to the database using the Administration Tools and select Connect to Database from the Main Menu:

    $ admintools
  5. Run a simple query. For example, to count all the records in the store_sales_fact table:

    => SELECT COUNT(1) FROM store.store_sales_fact;

The example database log files, ExampleDelete.txt and ExampleInstall.txt, are written to /opt/vertica/examples/log.

Example Database Script

While you can create your own queries, the VMart example directory contains a sample query script file that you can use help to get you started quickly. You can find the sample script at this path: /opt/vertica/examples/VMart_Schema

The following table describes the scripts available, where {identifier} is the name of the example database:

Script Name Description


Counts rows of all example database tables


Defines the schema for each table


Is the sample data generator


Loads data to the corresponding tables using COPY DIRECT


Contains all sample queries


Drops all example database tables


Are the individual queries; for example query #1 through “n”

Deleting the Example Database

To remove an example database:

  1. Log in as dbadmin; for example:

    # su dbadmin
  2. Run the delete_example script:

    $ /opt/vertica/sbin/delete_example <example_name>

    Where <example_name> is the name of the example database you provided to the install script.