Checking Data Format Before or After Loading

Vertica supports loading data files in the Unicode UTF-8 format. You can load ASCII data, which is UTF-8 compatible. Character sets like ISO 8859-1 (Latin1) are incompatible with UTF-8 and are not supported.

Before loading data from text files, you can use several Linux tools to ensure that your data is in UTF-8 format. The file command reports the encoding of any text files.  For example:

$ file Date_Dimension.tbl
Date_Dimension.tbl: ASCII text

The file command could indicate ASCII TEXT even though the file contains multibyte characters.

To check for multibyte characters in an ASCII file, use the wc command. For example:

$ wc Date_Dimension.tbl
  1828   5484 221822 Date_Dimension.tbl

If the wc command returns an error such as Invalid or incomplete multibyte or wide character, the data file is using an incompatible character set.

This example describes files that are not UTF-8 data files. Two text files have filenames starting with the string data. To check their format, use the file command as follows:

$ file data*
data1.txt: Little-endian UTF-16 Unicode text 
data2.txt: ISO-8859 text   

The results indicate that neither of the files is in UTF-8 format.

Converting Files Before Loading Data

To convert files before loading them into Vertica, use the iconv UNIX command. For example, to convert the data2.txt file from the previous example, use the iconv command as follows:

iconv -f ISO88599 -t utf-8 data2.txt > data2-utf8.txt

See the man pages for file and iconv for more information.

Checking UTF-8 Compliance After Loading Data

After loading data, use the ISUTF8 function to verify that all of the string-based data in the table is in UTF-8 format. For example, if you loaded data into a table named nametable that has a VARCHAR column named name, you can use this statement to verify that all of the strings are UTF-8 encoded:

=> SELECT name FROM nametable WHERE ISUTF8(name) = FALSE;

If all of the strings are in UTF-8 format, the query should not return any rows.