Configuring Advanced VBR Options

When you use vbr to create your configuration file, you can configure advanced parameters after configuring the basic ones that are required. The first time you invoke this utility, enter the command:

> /opt/vertica/bin/vbr --setupconfig

After you complete the required parameter options, continue to advanced settings. Respond to the last question by entering y in response:

Change advanced settings? (n)[y/n]: y

The completed configuration file includes the following list of the advanced parameters, their description, and their default values:

Configuration Parameter Description and Default Value
(Deprecated) The transfer bandwidth limit in kilobytes per second for a backup or a restore operation. This parameter is replaced by total_bwlimit_backup and total_bwlimit_restore.
When set to y, this parameter uses checksum for data integrity instead of file date and size. The default value is n.
The maximum number of backup TCP rsync connections per node. The default value is 1.
The maximum number of restore TCP rsync connections per node. The default value is 1.

When set to y, encrypts data during transmission. The default value is n.

The Port number for the rsync daemon. The default value is 50000.
The number of times to retry if a connection attempt fails. The default value is 2.
The number of seconds to wait between connection retry attempts. The default value is 1.
The user name used for simple authentication of rsync connections. Vertica stores the password for this user name in a separate configuration file.
The temporary directory (/tmp/vbr). For additional information about the tempDir configuration parameter, see [Misc] Miscellaneous Settings.
The total bandwidth limit in kilobytes per second per node for backup connections. Vertica distributes this bandwidth among the number of connections set in concurrency_backup. The total network load allowed by this value is the number of nodes multiplied by the value of this parameter. For example, a three node cluster and a total_bwlimit_backup value of 100 would allow 300Kbytes/sec of network traffic.
The default value of 0 allows unlimited bandwidth.
The total bandwidth limit in kilobytes per second per node for restore connections. Vertica distributes this bandwidth among the number of connections set in concurrency_restore. The total network load allowed by this value is the number of nodes multiplied by the value of this parameter. For example, a three node cluster and a total_bwlimit_restore value of 100 would allow 300Kbytes/sec of network traffic.
The default value of 0 allows unlimited bandwidth.

Example of Configuring Advanced Parameters

This example shows how you might set some of the advanced configuration file parameters to configure your backup and restore settings:

Change advanced settings? (n)[y/n]: y
Temp directory (/tmp/vbr):
Number of times to retry backup? (2): 5
Seconds between retry attempts? (1): 3
Encrypt data during transmission? (n) [y/n] n
Use checksum for data integrity (not file date and size)? (n)[y/n]: n
Port number for Rsync daemon (50000): 
User name to access rsync daemon (no default): rsyncaccount
Password of the user who accesses rsync daemon:								
Transfer bandwidth limit in KBPS or 0 for unlimited (0): 0 
Saved vbr configuration to exampleBackup.ini.

See Also

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