Privileges for Running Database Designer Functions
Non-DBADMIN users with the DBDUSER role can run Database Designer functions. Two steps are required to enable users to run these functions:
A DBADMIN or superuser grants the user the DBDUSER role:
=> GRANT DBDUSER TO username;
This role persists until the DBADMIN revokes it.
Before the DBDUSER can run Database Designer functions, one of the following must occur:
The user enables the DBDUSER role:
The superuser sets the user's default role to DBDUSER:
General DBDUSER Limitations
As a DBDUSER, the following restrictions apply:
- You can set a design's K-safety to a value less than or equal to system K-safety. You cannot change system K-safety.
- You cannot explicitly change the ancient history mark (AHM), even during design deployment.
Design Dependencies and Privileges
Individual design tasks are likely to have dependencies that require specific privileges:
Task | Required privileges |
Add tables to a design |
Add a single design query to the design |
Add a query file to the design |
Add queries from the result of a user query to the design |
Create design and deployment scripts |