Ownership of Restored Objects
For a full restore, objects have the owners that they had in the backed-up database.
When performing an object restore, Vertica inserts data into existing database objects. By default, the restore does not affect the ownership, storage policies, or permissions of the restored objects. However, if the restored object does not already exist, Vertica re-creates it. In this situation, the restored object is owned by the user performing the restore. Vertica does not restore dependent grants, roles, or client authentications with restored objects.
If the storage policies of a restored object are not valid, vbr
applies the default storage policy. Restored storage policies can become invalid due to HDFS storage locations, table incompatibility, and unavailable min-max values at restore time.
Sometimes, Vertica encounters a catalog object that it does not need to restore. When this situation occurs, Vertica generates a warning message for that object and the restore continues.
Suppose you have a full backup, including Schema1, owned by the user Alice. Schema1 contains Table1, owned by Bob, who eventually passes ownership to Chris. The user dbadmin performs the restore. The following scenarios might occur that affect ownership of these objects.
Scenario 1:
Schema1.Table1 has been dropped at some point since the backup was created. When dbadmin performs the restore, Vertica re-creates Schema1.Table1. As the user performing the restore, dbadmin takes ownership of Schema1.Table1. Because Schema1 still exists, Alice retains ownership of the schema.
Scenario 2:
Schema1 is dropped, along with all contained objects. When dbadmin performs the restore, Vertica re-creates the schema and all contained objects. dbadmin takes ownership of Schema1 and Schema1.Table1.
Scenario 3:
Schema1 and Schema1.Table1 both exist in the current database. When dbadmin rolls back to an earlier backup, the ownership of the objects remains unchanged. Alice owns Schema1, and Bob owns Schema1.Table1.
Scenario 4:
Schema1.Table1 exists and dbadmin wants to roll back to an earlier version. In the time since the backup was made, ownership of Schema1.Table1 has changed to Chris. When dbadmin restores Schema1.Table1, Alice remains owner of Schema1 and Chris remains owner of Schema1.Table1. The restore does not revert ownership of Schema1.Table1 from Chris to Bob.