Vertica Blog

Vertica Blog


A key with a key hole and Unlock Vertica Potential in text at the bottom

How to Use Database Designer to Optimize Vertica Physical Data Model in Six Steps

Vertica provides out-of-the-box a powerful tool to tune its Physical Data Model: Database Designer (DBD from now on). You can run DBD using the Management Console GUI but in this article we will focus on what they call “programmatic interface” (read... plain SQL) and – as practical examples are often more enlightening than “theoretical” documentation...
SQL Query Optimization

Improving COUNT DISTINCT Performance with Approximate Functions

A common analytic use case is to find the number of distinct items in a data set. Vertica performs well at solving COUNT DISTINCT in a few ways. Since Vertica stores all data in columns, it is possible to optimize for COUNT DISTINCT by building a projection that is tuned for this use case. Vertica...
Vertica plus Prometheus Logo image

Monitor your Vertica Metrics in Prometheus Using the New Vertica Prometheus Exporter

Looking to visualize Vertica metrics in your favorite monitoring tool that supports Prometheus? You can now do it with the Vertica Prometheus Exporter! We are happy to announce the Vertica Prometheus Exporter, an open-source project now available on Vertica’s GitHub. The exporter uses the vertica-sql-go driver to connect to Vertica. Prometheus is a monitoring system...
Vertica Version 12

Announcing Vertica Version 12

Vertica is pleased to announce version 12 of our unified analytics platform. Since the introduction of Vertica version 11 around June last year, several releases have gone out. Our release cycle has become more continuous, and the Vertica engineering team packs a lot of capabilities into every release. What this means is that a LOT...
Modern Database Analytics

Redesigning Projections for Query Optimization

When you submit a query to Vertica, the Vertica query optimizer automatically assembles a query plan, which consists of a set of operations to compute the requested result. Depending on the properties of the projections defined in your database, the query optimizer can choose faster and more efficient operations. Thus, it?s important to recognize what...
Database Server Room

Do You Need to Put Your Query on a Budget?

Before we scare you away with the word "budget", rest assured that after reading this blog, you won?t have to give up your favorite activities or sell your car. What you will be able to do is understand how Vertica resource pool parameters affect query budget.

Which One of These is Not Like the Others?

With the new guaranteed uniqueness optimization feature in Vertica 7.2.2, Vertica automatically recognizes when a query is accessing columns with unique values and optimizes the query operations that would otherwise be bogged down due to duplicate values.
Three 3D arrows, different colors pointing in different directions

Looking Under the Hood at Vertica Queries

When you submit a query to Vertica, you want it to execute as quickly and efficiently as possible. The query optimizer creates a plan that is designed to do just that. The directives in the query plan determine your query's run-time performance and resource consumption, but the properties of your projections and the system parameters also impact...