Vertica Blog

Vertica Blog

Management Console

Reusing EBS Volumes

This blog post was authored by Mark Hayden. You can deploy a Vertica cluster running in Eon or Enterprise mode using EC2 instances that support EBS volumes. This document provides the steps you need to use EBS volumes that were preserved from a Vertica cluster that was terminated, and how to reattach them to revive...

Vertica in Eon Mode: Revive

This blog post was authored by Soniya Shah. Overview An Eon Mode database keeps an updated version of its data and metadata in a communal storage location. After you shut down the database, the data continues to reside in communal storage. When you are ready to use the storage again, you can revive the database...

What’s New in Vertica 9.1?

This blog post was authored by Soniya Shah. In Vertica 9.1 we introduce new functionality including: • Eon Mode, now available in production environments • Machine Learning Enhancements • Management Console Updates • Voltage SecureData Integration • Python UDTF • AWS Licensing Updates • Security Updates • Upgrade and Installation Changes • S3 Session Parameter...

Upgrading Vertica

This blog post was authored by Soniya Shah. With each release, Vertica adds new features and enhancements. To access these new features, you must upgrade your database. Before performing an upgrade, you must shut down your database. Upgrade Path You should always upgrade only to the immediate next version. Upgrading to a version that is...

Resource Management

This blog post was authored by Soniya Shah. A Vertica database runs on a cluster of hardware. All loads and queries running against the database take up system resources, such as CPU, memory, disk I/O, bandwidth, file handles, and more. Query performance depends on how many resources are allocated to it. In a single-user environment,...

The Kafka Streaming Load Scheduler

This blog post was authored by Tom Wall. Vertica’s streaming load scheduler provides high-performance streaming data load from Kafka into your Vertica database. Whether you already use Kafka or not, it is worth considering it as a solution to your data loading challenges. Kafka complements Vertica very nicely, and the scheduler removes many complexities of...