Vertica Blog

Vertica Blog

data warehouse

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How to Use Database Designer to Optimize Vertica Physical Data Model in Six Steps

Vertica provides out-of-the-box a powerful tool to tune its Physical Data Model: Database Designer (DBD from now on). You can run DBD using the Management Console GUI but in this article we will focus on what they call “programmatic interface” (read... plain SQL) and – as practical examples are often more enlightening than “theoretical” documentation...

Vertica Wins the Gold in Bloor Market Update

Know Your Options for Analytical Databases and Data Warehouses For CDOs and CIOs, there have never been more options to choose from when deciding where to run their analytical workloads. Analytical databases and data warehouses are two popular options – with the data warehouse market experiencing 10% annual growth and many new entrants* – particularly...
unified analytics warehouse graphic

The Unified Analytics Warehouse Reaches your Data, Wherever it Lives

You may have noticed something interesting about the next generation enterprise data warehouse (EDW) vendors. They’re all pushing to ensure all data moves to the same place for analytics purposes, which of course means their particular data store. This is very worrisome to me because it involves two levels of lock in: 1) underlying infrastructure...
King of the Data Warehouse Mountain

Vertica Achieves Top Spot in GigaOm Radar Report for Evaluating Data Warehouse Platforms

Vertica secured the top spot, scoring consistently high rankings across the key criteria and evaluation metrics compared to 12 top competitors in the GigaOm Radar...
3D render of a binary data stream flowing into a network server surrounded by clouds

Is Your Future Cloudy? This Buyer’s Guide Offers Clarity

When I started at Vertica about seven years ago, I was met by anxious sales people warning me that Hadoop (HDFS, specifically) was going to completely replace the enterprise data warehouse (EDW), as we knew it. And we should be very concerned. That was 2012, a year that I first encountered the lovable elephant and...