Vertica Blog

Vertica Blog


Helpful Tips in blue text with magnifying glass

Quick Tip: Determining Database “Cell” Count

The Vertica system tables LICENSE_AUDITS and USER_AUDITS include a mysterious column called CELL_COUNT. What exactly is the Cell Count? It's simply a calculation that looks like this: DATABASE CELL_COUNT = (Table_1 Column Count * Table_1 Row Count) + (Table_2 Column Count * Table_2 Row Count) + … + (Table_n Column Count * Table_n Row Count)...

Improving COUNT DISTINCT Performance with Live Aggregate Projections

Today?s organizations need to be able to measure the effectiveness of online ads and marketing campaigns. In your particular organization, you may want to measure how effectively your ads drive unique visitors to your website. Or you may want to see if your ads drive repeat visits from the same user over a specific period...