Vertica Blog

Vertica Blog


Vertica plus Prometheus Logo image

Monitor your Vertica Metrics in Prometheus Using the New Vertica Prometheus Exporter

Looking to visualize Vertica metrics in your favorite monitoring tool that supports Prometheus? You can now do it with the Vertica Prometheus Exporter! We are happy to announce the Vertica Prometheus Exporter, an open-source project now available on Vertica’s GitHub. The exporter uses the vertica-sql-go driver to connect to Vertica. Prometheus is a monitoring system...
Word Node.js in yellow square pixels on a black matrix background. 3D illustration picture

Announcing the Availability of Vertica JavaScript Driver (vertica-nodejs)

This post is authored by Bill Jones and Danny Mickens. What is Node.js? Wikipedia defines Node.js as an “open-source, cross-platform, back-end JavaScript runtime environment that runs on the V8 engine and executes JavaScript code outside a web browser, which was designed to build scalable network applications”. Consequently, Node.js represents a "JavaScript everywhere" paradigm, unifying web-application...

Announcing Vertica Integration with Workato

We are very excited for our latest integration with Workato! Workato is an Integration Platform as a Service (iPaaS) that intelligently integrates applications and automates workflows. Workato uses a recipe which is its user-friendly interface to connect multiple applications and automate complex business workflows. Each recipe starts with a trigger that initializes the integration and...

Announcing Vertica Integration with Querybook

We are pleased to announce the integration of Vertica with Querybook. Querybook is an open-source IDE developed by Pinterest that allows you to query data, create analyses, and share your queries. Querybook also features a simple notebook interface that lets companies configure query engines, table metadata ingestion, and access permissions. It allows them to create...